Founded by internationally-recognized lighting designer Joey Nicotera, RETONICA strives to write the next chapter in event lighting.


Current event lighting, while beautiful, is reaching a plateau.  Simply surrounding a room with colored light is becoming commonplace.  Current technology allows for more architecturally sensitive installations, as well as dramatic changes in colors and brightness that will turn your event into a theatrical experience.  We want you to be immersed in the beauty of light wherever you look. Our lighting is intelligent and connected.  It can be used in wet or dry conditions, and isn't limited by wires.  Take your event to the next level, contact us today.


Joey Nicotera - Founder

Joey started playing with light at a very young age. His first inspiration and fascination was with the color organs of the 1970's, and the advent of the "disco light" craze of the 1980's. During that time it was not uncommon to see his bedroom windows glowing from streets away. In his teens he began experimenting with electronic kits, and quickly learned what a short circuit was. From strobe lights to early color-changing installations with Christmas lights, his portfolio was already growing.

College brought transitions from studying Electrical Engineering to learn how to build larger and more complex lighting installations, to undergraduate and graduate study in Psychology. His Master's thesis was studying the effect of color and light on mood and appetite. Though his ultimate career path became Information Technology and Business Management, it was in 1999 that he had his "a-ha" lighting moment.

An article in a technology magazine showcased a new type of light fixture, based on LEDs, that could change into any color the user desired. Joey was determined to bring this new technology to the masses--and to his home. Throughout his career at several start-up companies, he was able to flex his lighting muscles by doing installations in company conference rooms and lobbies.

In 2003, he purchased a loft in a former candy factory and used it as a showcase for his designs. Media attention came almost overnight and garnered him international recognition for his work. He began receiving commissions for custom residential and commercial light installations, and was chosen as a finalist in a national lighting design contest against 20-year industry veterans.

He created Retonica to share his passion for lighting with the world.



Press coverage in the Boston Globe, on Colorkinetics' Website and several Associated Press related articles led to a call from HGTV, on which this segment aired.




Boston Metro/


Intelligent Life, September 2007